Author: Staff

EDITORIAL: Homophobic Baptists

If you believe HIV/AIDS is spread across America primarily by homosexuals, you are correct. If you believe homosexuality is a sin, you are correct. If you are a homophobic Baptist and have therefore turned your back on the...

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EDITORIAL: Hell to pay

According to a national study, nearly 80 percent of Americans call themselves Christian. More than 1,000 “self-identified” U.S. Christians 18 years of age and older participated in the study commissioned by...

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EDITORIAL: Dumbledore is gay

If you haven’t heard, Albus Dumbledore is gay. Who is Albus Dumbledore? According to a U.S. Consumer Research survey, more than half of American children between the ages of 6 and 17 could tell you who he is because they...

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EDITORIAL: Man marries dog!

If there was ever any question as to why marriage must be defined as holy matrimony between one man and one woman, then a recent wedding in India should remove all doubt.According to the Associated Press, a man in southern India...

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EDITORIAL: Pulling the plank

New research from the Barna Group suggests that being labeled as a Christian might mean you are perceived as being judgmental and hypocritical. According to a survey of 867 young people between the ages of 16 and 29, at least 85...

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