
Sorry for not doing a DHD last week. I was recovering from getting my second COVID vaccine shot.

This week, I want to feature a video of an amazing woman—Laura Perry. Her story first appeared in the Baptist Messenger in 2017 in the article “From transgendered to transformed,” written by Brian Hobbs.

She recently spoke at the Oklahoma Baptists’ Women’s Retreat at Falls Creek Conference Center on April 17. The video I am featuring in this DHD was made as an introduction for her time to speak at last week’s retreat.

Here’s the video, and my six takeaways will follow:

  1. “Are you trying to look like a man?”

The story is as much about Francine Perry, Laura’s mom, as it is about Laura. The video begins with Francine talking about the family and how Laura was “strong willed.” Francine also mentioned as Laura was getting older that they saw her some but not often.

After some time, Francine met Laura in Tulsa and noticed Laura had a different look. The first phrase that stood out to me in the video was Francine asking Laura, “Are you trying to look like a man?” Laura responded with tears and admitting she was making a change in her life.

The photos shown of Laura at this time are significant. I’ve met Laura since her transformation and restoring her femininity. I did not know what she looked like as a transgendered male.

  1. “We tried to do the right things.”

Francine describe the family lifestyle before Laura decided to be a transgender. She summarized the rituals in their lives. They were “good Christians,” always in church, always “doing the right things.”

What I take from Francine is they thought doing good works is enough to influence their children. Unfortunately, Satan and sinful influences are strong, and as culture changes, these influences can become even stronger.

  1. “I was more concerned with what people would think of me rather than her be there.”

This statement is pivotal. And I’m talking about Christians. This applies to how to accept not only transgender neighbors but others who may not live how we do.

Francine realized she needed to change.

  1. Getting Laura involved

I loved the interaction between Francine and Laura when Francine started her Bible study and asked Laura to set up a website for her. This was a simple, non-intimidating act. There was no preaching to Laura but rather asking her for help. Sometimes it’s just regular interaction and simple connection with people that can start a major impact.

  1. Praying nine years for Laura

Francine never gave up and was consistent. Nine years is a long time to pray for somebody, but God was still faithful to answer in the time He thought was best for a change to happen in Laura’s life.

Let this be an encouragement to you to continue to pray for the lost.

  1. “I have never known this kind of love from Christians”

I noticed tears in my eyes when I heard Laura say this statement. Ladies raised $1,600 for Laura to buy a new wardrobe. Being accepted as Laura was, it reminded me of Jesus sharing the parable of the Prodigal Son, when he came home, and the Father killed the fatted calf to celebrate (Luke 15:22-24).

I welcome your thoughts. Actually, I hope you will share this video because I believe Laura’s story is becoming more and more relevant today. It needs to be shared.