
Here’s six timely topics for you. Thanks for reading DHD!

  1. My take on Bill Maher

Apparently, comedian and talk show host Bill Maher is becoming a favorite among conservatives because he is one of the few celebrities who has recently criticized liberal politicians.

Let me be clear, I am not a fan of Maher. He has consistently mocked Christianity, calling it “magic.” More often than not I am disappointed with his comments.

But lately, what I have seen through shared clips on social media, Maher has encouraged me. Unfortunately, I’m not going to link to any of his clips because he does express profanity.

So why does he encourage me? Well, in one clip I have seen, he is talking with Michele Tafoya and another guest about facts relating to abortion.

“There’s a lot of things I did not know about abortion,” Maher said. “Like, in Europe—the modern countries of Europe—way more restrictive than we are or what they are even proposing (on abortion). If you are pro-choice, you would like it a lot less in Germany and Italy and France and Spain and Switzerland.”

Actually, if he would take a full scope of the world, he would notice something we have shared on, which is “The United States has one of the most permissive abortion policies in the world. A 2021 study by the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute showed 47 of 50 European countries prohibit elective abortions or restrict them to 15 weeks or earlier. The United States reportedly is one of only six countries, including China and North Korea, that permit elective abortions after 20 weeks’ gestation.”

And there’s something else Maher mentioned on the same show: “I learned that most people who are pro-life are women. Did not know that!”

Well, I don’t know if Bill Maher will become an advocate for the Sanctity of Human Life, but for him to even be willing to make comments like these is progress. I can assure you, most staunch abortion supporters do not entertain such facts.

I pray the Lord will do a work in Bill Maher. He has made Himself known in powerful ways through others who have adamantly rejected God, and perhaps He could do it again through Bill Maher—despite all Maher’s comical remarks that are against a Christian worldview.

  1. Jimmy Kinnaird’s encouraging blog

Jimmy Kinnaird is a great writer and has written for the Baptist Messenger in the past. If you are feeling discouraged over something that is out of your control, check out a blog post Jimmy recently wrote.

It’s titled “Seven good things you can do to feel better today.”

By the way, if you are discouraged and would like for me to pray for you, email me at, and I would be happy to lift you up!

  1. Baptist Messenger turns 110

On Sunday, May 15, the Baptist Messenger will officially be in existence for 110 years. The news journal that has been informing and inspiring Oklahoma Baptists will reach another milestone.

One of the treats I have in my position is access of copies from those many years. It is fascinating to read what Oklahoma Baptist life was like throughout the span of more than a century.

The cover story for this week’s Messenger is titled “110 years and counting: Celebrating the Baptist Messenger’s history, legacy and future.” If you check out the story, you’ll see a photo of an article from 1943 titled “Missions in a world at war.” Imagine what mission work was like during World War II. The Baptist Messenger reported on such work at that time.

And that’s what the Messenger continues to do—making known the great work of Oklahoma Baptists in the state and throughout the world as we advance the Gospel together.

  1. ‘Family Camp’ in theaters this weekend

If you are a fan of The Skit Guys, Tommy Woodward and Eddie James, you should consider seeing their new movie Family Camp, which debuts in theaters today, May 13.

The Skit Guys could be the best Christian comedic duo around. They are a favorite at Falls Creek youth camp and have been doing a podcast for at least two years called “Laugh More.”

Chris Forbes recently interviewed Woodward and James on Messenger Insight, and they discuss Family Camp. Check it out, especially if you are interested in the movie.

  1. Graduation advice

It’s the time when many put on robes and hats that are topped with thick square cardboard and tassels. Yes, many are graduating from high school or college this month. If you are a current graduate or are related to a current graduate, consider checking out the advice I originally gave seven years ago.

I rehashed the DHD last year, and you can check it out: DHD: My advice to graduates.

And congratulations to all high school and college graduates! You’ve made a great life achievement. Now enjoy that first day of the rest of your life!

  1. Kentucky Derby replay

I conclude with sharing the overhead view of the recent Kentucky Derby. If you haven’t seen it, you have missed out on one of the historic moments in sports history.

Larry Collmus is not well-known, but I believe his calling of the 2022 Kentucky Derby is just a phenomenal broadcast. “Rich Strike is coming up on the inside! Oh my goodness! The longest shot has won the Kentucky Derby!”

Collmus is criticized for not mentioning Rich Strike until the final three seconds of the race, but that just reflects how amazing of an upset it was. Consider the fact there was already a major battle happening near the finish between Epicenter and Zandon. Rightfully so, Collmus was focusing on the two favorites. Rich Strike took everybody by surprise, considering how far back he was down the stretch, and there was no way Collmus could communicate quick enough what Rich Strike was doing until the final seconds of the race.

I’ve watched this overhead video (amazing camera and graphic work) 20 or more times. I’ve watched it three times since tagging it to the end of my blog. I hope you enjoy!