EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article was previously featured on chucklawless.com.

My experience is that most churches want to love and follow their undershepherds as they walk together. At the same time, though, I fear the disconnect from pastor to pew is sometimes too wide to build a good team. In that light, I believe many pastors need to be even more open to sharing life with their congregation. Thus, I list 12 things a church should know about its pastor.

  1. His conversion experience. Pastors often share their story in the hiring process but seldom after getting hired. Consequently, many newer church members don’t know these stories.
  2. His baptism story. Folks who hear pastors proclaim the Word ought to know about this spiritual marker in their leaders’ lives. After all, baptism is to be a witness.
  3. His spiritual disciplines strategy. Believers need role models to help them read the Word and pray. The pastor telling the church his strategy will give them ideas for their own life and increase their confidence their spiritual leader is following God.
  4. The latest truth he has learned from God’s Word. Pastors should share with their congregations the result of their studies and show them the joy that is received through hearing from God. Let them know that all believers should continue growing.
  5. His sermon preparation strategy. When the church knows the work a pastor does, they’ll pray more for him—and they may be more protective of his study time.
  6. His latest efforts in evangelism. A congregation needs to know their pastor is trying to reach the lost. Pastor, tell the stories, but do so without drawing attention to yourself.
  7. His latest efforts in discipleship. Pastors should be pouring themselves into the next generation of leaders. When the church knows its pastor is raising up leaders, they’ll think more about the future.
  8. His prayer needs. We assume church members pray for their pastor, but they must do so generically if they don’t know the pastor’s needs. Pastor, be willing to share your heart a bit.
  9. His day off. Pastors deserve a day off. His family deserves time with him alone. Pastor, tell your church about your day off and protect that day as much as possible.
  10. His birthday and anniversary. Congregations should have an opportunity to celebrate with their pastor on these important days. In fact, pastor, let your church know the birthdays of your entire family.
  11. His reading list. Some church members will want to read along. Others will simply be glad to know their pastor is reading. Still others will begin reading something because the pastor recommends it.
  12. His vision for the church. Church members want to know their pastor’s goals, direction and plans for the congregation. Pastor, work with the appropriate staff and teams to lead the church to buy into that vision.

PHOTO CREDIT: Aaron Burden