Falls Creek youth camp provides an opportunity for Gospel impact, extending from the heart of the individual to the ends of the earth on a daily basis.
Many have stories of personal life change and challenge associated with Falls Creek youth camps. Many stories compare to Holden McCracken’s, student pastor at Duncan, Immanuel, who cited the ministry of Falls Creek has shaped him over the years “as a person and as a minister of the Gospel.”

Photo by Brian Hobbs
Falls Creek is unlike any other summer camp experience, providing students and adults alike with experiences with the Lord that may be unmatched at other times of their year.
This concentrated attention to the things of God and time with the people of God is a reason both students and adult leaders claim they never want to leave or wish that camp would not end. Ryan Young of M516 Ministries is “grateful for the Creek” because of positive influence its ministry has had on his entire family.
Bill, a bi-vocational pastor in another state, said, “I surrendered to ministry at Falls Creek when I was a youth. We believe in the ministry of Falls Creek and what you’re doing there.” Bill still brings a group each summer, and his ministry continues to impact lostness in other states.
Falls Creek youth camps offer an opportunity for global impact. Pastor Rusty McMullen at McAlester, First stressed the importance of Falls Creek youth camps, valuing the clear “focus on discipleship and evangelism aligning with the church’s commission.”
With the large number of students over the years who have surrendered to the call of God on their lives to vocational ministry, Falls Creek remains a significant harvest field for ministers and missionaries both at home and abroad. Youth pastor Quintin Magruder at Elmore City, First said, “After a week at Falls Creek, our students feel as though they have grown closer to the Lord together and go home ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus while continuing to grow in their personal relationships with Jesus Christ.”
Falls Creek youth weeks are more than just a week of camp. They are a unique and significant moment in time for the Lord to move in hearts, strengthen churches and send to the nations.
Joshua McKee, student minister at Oklahoma City, Wilmont Place, said the impact of Falls Creek keeps him going because he sees students each summer “have their eyes opened to a relationship with Christ or see the importance of a deeper walk with Him.”
Deeper walks lead to deeper obedience. That is the target of Falls Creek youth camps. God is the reason any of it happens.
In all of the preparation and effort, no impact comes if God does not show Himself. God is the reason anything of lasting worth happens through the ministry of Falls Creek youth camps.
The impact of Falls Creek youth camps is undeniable. The hand of the Lord is unmistakable. We are praying for God to work in abundantly evident ways this summer at Falls Creek.
You can be a part of the unique work the Lord does through the ministry of Falls Creek youth camps by praying. Would you join us?
For prayer ideas and resources, visit skopos.org/fallscreek/prayer.