Photos by Oklahoma Baptists staff

For decades, Oklahoma Baptists have orchestrated a crucial event, the Youth Evangelism Conference (YEC). For the last nine years, it has been hosted at Falls Creek Conference Center. Originally scheduled to take place over the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend, weather circumstances at the time necessitated rescheduling YEC to March 22-23, coinciding with Spring Break. More than 70 churches and more than 1,000 students attended YEC, where they were equipped, inspired and sent.

I was recently been reminded of the Parable of the Talents where faithfulness is the point. It is not about how much you end up with, but what you do with what you have been given. We are so glad we did not “bury our talent in the ground” by canceling the event. Our faithfulness was rewarded with a remarkably focused two-day event dedicated to advancing the Gospel. Here are five crucial insights that I gathered from YEC:

Photos by Oklahoma Baptists staff

  1. Students Enthusiastically Embraced the Breakout Sessions:
    Students exhibited a clear enthusiasm for the tailored breakout sessions, despite the limitation of selecting only three out of 20 options per attendee. The good news is that there are recorded sessions on the YEC Virtual Center that can extend the learning experience beyond the event.
  2. Motivated Students are the Standard:
    The prevailing demographic of motivated students eagerly absorbed insights, showcasing an inclination towards active engagement with the teachings.
  3. Empowering Youth Ministers to Lead:
    Youth ministers and pastors played integral roles in leading various aspects of the event fostering collaboration and empowerment within the Oklahoma Baptists community.
  4. Focus on Core Teachings:
    Our keynote speaker Ryan Fontenot emphasized crucial elements such as Gospel Urgency, Strategy and Activation, culminating in actionable steps towards evangelism.
  5. Strategic Planning for Gospel Advancement:
    Students collaborated with youth leaders to devise strategic action plans aimed at sharing the Gospel with peers, classmates and communities. This participatory approach eliminates the need for persuading students and provide clear directives for implementation upon return.

Photos by Oklahoma Baptists staff

Looking ahead, Oklahoma Baptists will make the transition of YEC into a regionally unified statewide movement, adopting a one-day format scheduled for August 16, 2025. Mark your calendars now! This restructuring aims to involve a wider range of churches by providing multiple locations with simplified logistics and affordable registration. Each venue will feature distinct speakers, bands, emcees and breakout leaders. The agenda includes three general sessions, two breakouts and a unique two-hour outreach opportunity for immediate application of YEC teachings. Additionally, strategic action planning sessions will still enable groups to establish Gospel advancement objectives for the upcoming school year.

This revamped approach is anticipated to attract new churches unable to attend overnight events, ultimately expanding outreach and engagement beyond the confines of a traditional two-day, single-location event. We hope you will join us and spread the word!

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