The Resonate orchestra.
Photo: Bob Nigh
SHAWNEE—Resonate and Resound worship arts camps and Children’s Choir University (CCU) at Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU), June 23-27 were termed a success by their respective leaders. All three were sponsored by the Worship and Music Ministries Department of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO) and OBU.
Resonate included high school age and older Baptists involved in worship and/or teaching ministries and featured a worship choir and orchestra. Resound is designed for middle school students, while at the CCU, conferences were held for Preschool Choir Leaders, Younger Children’s Choir Leaders and Older Children’s Choir leaders. A panel discussion ended the day discussing literature and children’s choirs development in the local church.
Ken Gabrielse, Dean, Warren M. Angell College of Fine Arts at OBU, was in charge of the Resonate choir during the week. The choir and orchestra was scheduled to present a concert the evening of June 25 at Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center, but the youth encampment had been cancelled that week because of flood damage the week before, so BGCO Worship and Music Ministries Specialist Randy Lind arranged to have the groups sing and play for clients at the Oklahoma City Rescue Mission that afternoon. The packed house at the mission center enthusiastically greeted and cheered the Resonate singers and instrumentalists.
“From the time we started Resonate—six years ago—the talent of these students has always amazed me,” Gabrielse said. “Not only do these young people want to grow as musicians, but they also want to grow as worshipers. Last week was not different—high quality students. However, this year, we pushed them hard to prepare an entire worship program with choir and orchestra in six hours of rehearsal time (over two days). And they did it! As I told the choir over and over—I would be honored to take this group anywhere to let them sing praise to our Lord. It was a great time of ministry for these kids. They were excited.”
Gabrielse also pointed out that the program—and choir and orchestra—is not just for students.
“Those at the concert probably noticed the adults in the choir and orchestra,” he stressed. “This was by design from the beginning—it was our desire to show that worship leading is a shared, inter-generational ministry. Our churches benefit when the generations combine their desire and talent to lead God’s people to sing. The mentors who come and spend the week with us have added so much to the teaching ministry. God has brought together just the right people every year to give Him glory. OBU is proud to host this great event; I am honored and humbled to be able to teach and lead at Resonate!”