Fifty years! Think about how far we’ve come together. Imagine where we’ll go. Welcome to the future of aging services. Baptist Village Retirement Communities (BVRC) is doing a great job embracing change. We (including you) are all pioneers in a culture change movement that is shaping the future of aging services in our state and nation.
BVRC has eight villages, two home health agencies and a medical equipment company. The number of people ministered to each day has grown from 1,150 in 1993 to approximately 2,000 today, a 74 percent increase. Revenues have increased from under $10 million in 1993 to more than $30 million in 2007.
We began in sacrifice in 1958. Will and Nora Baskett gave 68 aces of land in Hugo, made an $18,000 personal loan and led a fundraising campaign among their friends. Mrs. Baskett tore up her feather bed to make pillows for the first residents.
In response to the Baskett’s sacrifice, we are asking you to give generously this year. A financial campaign titled “Life Without Limits” is focused on gifts of $700,000 that will go to serve residents in need through the Adams Care Fund. In addition, new busses and vans are being purchased so that residents have a “new set of wheels” in the 50th anniversary year.
God has truly blessed BVRC. We are thankful for the Cooperative Program gifts that the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma chooses to invest in BVRC ministry. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to jointly participate in the Mother’s Day Offering.
In addition, we are excited about the blessings that are taking place in the LINC (Loving, Inspiring, Nurturing, Caring) ministry. LINC is our opportunity to link churches with retirement communities located in their neighborhoods. It is a privilege to share Christ with senior adults and staff. We are seeing an increase in the number of people being saved. We believe the opportunity for evangelism in the BVRC ministry is increasing.
The aging of the church and the citizens of our state is a reality. We view the aging of America not as a problem, but as a blessing; the grace of our loving God. We believe that in God’s provision and plan, older persons are being used of God in the kingdom in wonderful ways regardless of age or physical challenges.
In 2007, BVRC adopted a Five Year Strategic Plan. The plan includes six goals, three major projects, capital projects, expansion and finances.
Six Goal Areas:
1. Provide growth opportunities that enable BVRC to provide services people need, when they need them, in a place they consider home.
2. Enhance operational efficiencies.
3. Strengthen financial gifts to enhance the lives of the people served through BVRC.
4. Increase awareness of the ministry of BVRC.
5. Increase coordination with Southern Baptist churches in areas of common interest.
6. Enhance BVRC’s financial position through sound fiscal management enabling a solid base of support in accomplishing the BVRC Strategic Plan and mission.
Three Major Projects
1. Add congregate housing units on the Baptist Village of Broken Arrow campus. A 48-unit assisted living center is being designed.
2. Re-position the Baptist Village of Oklahoma City campus to continue to meet needs into the future. A number of capital improvements are planned. The five-year planning cycle includes constructing a 56-unit assisted living center and a 48-bed nursing center.
3. Establish a ministry presence in western Oklahoma; we are currently focused on a 48-unit residential living and assisted living project in a community in western Oklahoma.
On-going capital projects
Every Baptist Village has the need for capital improvements. These will be ongoing for the foreseeable future.
Expansion: “Baptist Village without Walls”
We believe that services delivered to the home will continue to grow. It is a person’s first choice. Home can be a number of different settings including a retirement village. We have discussed opening a home health office in a city where we do not have a village. BVRC would offer many of the activities, programs and services we currently offer in a village without the bricks and mortar investment. Thus, “Baptist Village without walls.” Currently, we have interest in this project in Western Oklahoma.
Thank you donors and friends. You are helping us help people every day. We are blessed to lead and to serve. Think about how far we’ve come together. Imagine where we’ll go. Welcome to the future of aging services.