I must confess, I am not an organized person. There are really only three types of people in the world: those who are organized, those who are not and those who think they are.

The organized people of the world spend their lives trying to get the rest of us organized. They want us to make a list, get a calendar and have a plan. I know this from firsthand experience because I’m married to one. Actually, she happens to be their queen.

So how did the Queen of Organizing get together with the King of Disorganization? God. It’s just that simple. He knew I needed her. And 41 years later, she’s still trying to get me organized. She always ends one day by planning what she’ll wear the next. Me? I wear whatever’s clean—I mean, whatever she picks out for me.

But I’ve discovered something about people who have this organizing personality trait. If it weren’t for all of us disorganized folks, they wouldn’t have much to do. As far as I’m concerned, people like me are a blessing to all of you organizing types. We give you purpose. Putting our lives into order is what you love to do. You want to organize the clothes in our closets, the art on our walls and the furniture in our homes. If we don’t give you something to organize, you’ll reorganize what’s already organized.

And what are we disorganized people doing while you’re organizing? Enjoying life. We aren’t bogged down about what we’ll do from 8-8:07 a.m. today. We just know there’s a today, and if we wait long enough, tomorrow will become today. So we live in today mode, which drives you tomorrow people crazy.

I read an article titled Why People with Disorganized Minds Are More Intelligent. Actually, I just read the headline. I didn’t need to go any further because I already knew this. It’s not in my nature to make lists or file things. However, I do recognize that I need people in my life who have those gifts. You know the kind of people I’m talking about. I’ll say, “We ought to get together sometime,” and the organizer will whip out their phone and let me know they have a 6-8 p.m. opening three months from today.

In a week, my wife and I are going on vacation. It may seem odd, but the only time I’m organized is when I take a trip. If it’s a mission trip, I have it planned down to the hour. If it’s a vacation, I have it planned down to the minute. I once took our family to Disney World. There are people who have studied the flow of traffic throughout the amusement parks. I took their information and mapped out a route that would have our family spending the least amount of time in line possible.

Yes, I’m one of those guys who doesn’t like to just wander around an amusement park. I mapped out what time we would ride Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean and It’s a Small World. My wife doesn’t like this trait of mine because she believes vacations shouldn’t be so highly organized. But I want to do all I can while we’re away. For some reason, she calls this “misplaced organization.”

So here’s the deal. God has made us all different. Some of you are organized, and then there are the rest of us. But we need each other. You organized types need those who are spontaneous, creative and don’t get too upset when everything goes wrong to add flavor to your lives. And we disorganized people need those who can make lists, plan ahead and organize to add structure to ours.

But how do these two types get along? The best way is to learn to recognize, appreciate and come to respect each other’s giftedness. The Bible says it far better than I can: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen” (1 Pet. 4:9-11).

Yes, our gifts are intended for us to serve each other, and when they work together, it brings glory to our God. So if you’re going on vacation, I can help you plan it down to the minute. For any other type of organizing, see my wife.