One of the things my wife and I have done since we found out we were going to be grandparents is to pray for our grandchildren’s salvation. Since Titus the Honorable was our first grandson, it was a new way for me to pray.

Titus being baptized by his dad.

My prayer would go something like this: “Dear God, I thank You that You have blessed us with Titus. I pray that he will be born healthy. I pray for a day in his life when he hears You calling his name and speaking to his heart, ‘Follow Me.’ I pray that from that day forward, You will use him for Your glory. I pray that his name, Titus the Honorable, will be his character, and he will be known as an honorable, God-fearing man. I asked this in Jesus’ name.”

I was teaching on the campus of Moody Bible Institute when I received a call. A little voice started to speak but was so choked up that not a word came out. My wife called and told me the story.

Titus went to children’s camp in Disney, Okla. On Monday night, he heard God calling him into a relationship. Titus went forward to where his dad was and told him, “I want to be saved.”

“When we get back home, Mom and I will sit down and share with you what it means to be a follower of Jesus,” his dad said. Titus went back to his seat.

Tuesday night came. Titus again went forward to where his dad was and told him, “I want to be saved.”

“When we get back home, Mom and I will sit down and share with you what it means to be a follower of Jesus,” his dad said. Titus went back to his seat.

Wednesday night came, and during the invitation time, Titus came to his dad and told him, “I want to be saved.” His dad again repeated what he had said the two previous nights.

Titus looked into his dad’s eyes and said, “WHY CAN’T I BE SAVED?”

Caleb, being a wise dad, realized the Holy Spirit was pressing on his son’s heart to have a relationship with him. That night, Titus asked Jesus to be the boss of his life.

As I have shared this story, I can’t even begin to count how many adults have approached me, telling me it was a grandparents’ prayer that turned their lives around. Grandparents, keep praying for your grandchildren. “Pray without ceasing,” as the Scriptures tell us (1 Thess. 5:17).

Just recently Titus made his faith in Christ public through obedience in baptism. The smile on his face and the joy that shone forth as he came out of the waters said it all: “I am now a follower of Jesus Christ.”

He wasn’t the only one smiling. For more than nine years, I have been praying that prayer, and God answered. I don’t know who had the biggest smile: Titus, his parents or Grammy and me. Maybe the biggest smile was from Jesus!

One down, two to go. Grammy and I are back on our knees.


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