As we approach the end of 2018 and enter 2019, what is it that God seeks most from His people? Two things we know for sure are to love Him with all our hearts and seek first His kingdom and righteousness (Matt. 6:33, 22:37; Rev. 2:1).

But what could cause 2019 to truly be a year of sweeping personal, family and church renewal? How could the coming year be a turning point in our relationship with God? Throughout history, powerful moves of God always come by prayer, biblical preaching, evangelism and missions. But it is prayer that empower all the others.

However, the answer to renewal is not just more prayer and repentance, but more of a deeper type of prayer. It is prayer that is truly God-seeking and Kingdom-focused.

Regarding a deepening of prayer, there is very good news. A deeper level of joy and intimacy with Christ are not out of reach for any believer. By God’s grace, five simple steps will revolutionize both personal prayer lives and the experience of spiritual power.

While believers certainly do not have to do all five steps each day, God will surely bless sincere efforts to seek Him more fully. Prayerfully consider five practical covenants for a God-seeking, Kingdom- focused 2019.

Five covenants to God-seeking, Kingdom-focused praying

1. Covenant to embrace a God-seeking, Kingdom-focused prayer life rather than brief devotions that leaves out key essentials. Just adding a couple of elements will make a huge difference (James 5:16). The Bible insert “My Covenant to Abide Daily in God’s Word and Prayer” makes powerful biblical patterns possible for every believer.

2. Covenant with God to more fully yield our hearts in deeper daily cleansing, repentance and surrender. Studies leave no doubt that most believers are stopping short of the type of daily yielding that brings full New Testament power. The Bible insert “My Covenant to Walk in Daily Cleansing and Yielding” makes this possible for even the busiest Christian.

3. Covenant with God to pray regularly and effectively for specific lost people, church plants, missions and strategic people groups. It is impossible to have a Kingdom-focused prayer life without effective intercession for the critical Kingdom issues. The Bible insert “My Great Commission Prayer Covenant” enables believers to embrace Kingdom prayer in ways that are powerful yet simple.

4. Covenant with God to pray specifically and effectively for sweeping revival and spiritual awakening. A great spiritual awakening would explode evangelism and missions while bringing great glory to God. The Bible insert “My Covenant to Pray for Revival and Spiritual Awakening” empowers every believer for dynamic revival praying.

5. Covenant with God to regularly pray and meditate on God’s glorious attributes and names. The Bible insert “Praying the Names and Attributes of God” can greatly deepen believer’s intimacy, knowledge and worship of God in His full nature.

As believers, we should never be content to settle for daily lives that do not focus much on God-seeking, Kingdom-focused prayer. May the year 2019 be more than a year of temporary prayer events and emphases. Let us covenant to daily walk in new patterns of knowing and praying God’s heart. Then and only then can calls to prayer and solemn assembly become genuine revival. Our ministry offers the five Bible insert covenants at nominal costs. What could happen if thousands of church members went deeper in personal and corporate prayer? May 2019 be the year of radical change.