So much is changing during the COVID-19 crisis, including how churches are doing ministry and preparing for Easter celebration and services. Oklahoma Baptists leadership is providing a compilation of ideas that could be useful for churches to consider in celebrating Easter amid the crisis.

“This originated from an idea that came from Dr. Hance Dilbeck (Oklahoma Baptists’ executive director-treasurer). He has been aware that many of our pastors have been involved with caring for their communities and caring for their flock,” said Alan Quigley, associate executive director of church resources for Oklahoma Baptists. “He thought we could take some time, as the (Church Resources Group), thinking through some ideas that pastors and church leaders could use to enhance their Easter services.”

By visiting, church leaders will have access to the variety of ideas to promote Easter, to observe on Easter Sunday as a church and for individual families to consider to make Easter more meaningful.

“Since most, if not all, of our churches will be offering online worship services or drive-in style services, our Resource Group, along with Mark Dance with pastoral leadership, came up with some of the best opportunities for churches to consider,” Quigley said.

Activity suggestions offered on the website begin this Sunday, April 5, which is acknowledged as Palm Sunday, and continue through Holy Week next week. Daily devotions, reading passages of the Easter story, sermon tips, family Easter experiences and ways for churches to observe the Lord’s Supper are offered on the website.

“We hope pastors will look at the list and find at least one or two ideas that would fit their context,” Quigley said. “Hopefully we have helped them out by saving them some time and giving them links to the ideas, so they can go and continue the work of the ministry.”

For more resources offered by Oklahoma Baptists, visit