Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) returned home Sunday, Oct. 18, after serving seven weeks in Louisiana and surrounding areas that were affected by recent hurricanes.

Oklahoma Baptist DR return from serving hurricane victims - Baptist Messenger of Oklahoma 1

Oklahoma Baptist DR volunteers served seven weeks in areas affected by recent hurricanes.

“Hurricanes Sally, Laura and Delta went through these areas,” said Don Williams, state DR director, describing the areas DR volunteers served. “It looks like (Southern Baptist Disaster Relief) will be completed by the end of October.”

Williams said Oklahoma Baptist DR volunteers are “back home resting and recuperating” after spending nearly two months in Louisiana.

As of Oct. 16, Southern Baptist DR completed 2,609 chainsaw jobs and prepared more than a half a million meals (537,871).

“We provide physically, so that we can speak spiritually into their lives,” Williams said.

Through DR’s recent work, the Gospel was presented 2,137 times, and 3,125 Bibles were distributed. Williams also reported 507 people made professions of faith in Christ with Oklahoma Baptists witnessing 85 of these professions.

For more information or to donate to Oklahoma Baptist DR visit okdisasterhelp.org.