DAVIS—Each day, Falls Creek campers wake up early to spend time in the Word and enhance their walk with the Lord.
Each Wednesday of camp, hundreds of campers wake up even earlier to work on their run; that is, to participate in the annual Falls Creek 5K.
“This is a great event, one of my favorite times of fellowship,” said Todd Sanders, Falls Creek program director.
Camp pastor for Week Three at Falls Creek, evangelist Ryan Fontenot, was spotted among the many participants in the 5K on June 22.
Churches from every part of the state have runners participate, with runners of all ages.
One sixth grade student named Sam was among the pack of runners. “I am starting to run cross country at school, but I never had gone that far. It is so great to finish the race,” he said.
The 5K is one of the many fun activities campers can choose from, including the ropes course, swimming, the zip line, skate park and more.
“Amid all of the fun and fellowship, Falls Creek students are learning to choose to follow the Lord, to fight the good fight, to finish the race (of faith),” Sanders added.
Students who participate in the 5K earn a trading pin as a reward and symbol of victory. With scores of decisions reported each night, Falls Creek students are understanding the victory of faith in Jesus Christ.
And that is the ultimate reward worth striving toward, in faith.