Above: Zane Black talks to campers who made spiritual decisions. Photo by Tony Dillard
DAVIS—Summer 2022 at Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center is off to a strong start, as thousands of campers arrive to the campgrounds near Davis.
Now in its 105th year, Falls Creek continues to be a cherished location because this is where many young people have made professions of faith in Christ, grown in their spiritual walks and where many over the years have surrendered to ministry and to missions.
Todd Sanders, Falls Creek program director, said the Lord is already at work in the first weeks of camp.
Spiritual decisions happening
Each day at camp this summer, Sanders said campers will focus on different spiritual disciplines of the Christian life, under the principles defined as “saved, set apart, solid and surrendered.”

Campers learn about Go Students missions strategy in the Wynn Center for World Missions. Photo by Brian Hobbs
During the evening tabernacle services, the Gospel is clearly presented and students will have an opportunity to respond. On the first day of session one alone, Sanders reported that spiritual decisions were made, with 28 professions of faith and six called to ministry, among other decisions.
“It’s great to be back at camp advancing the Gospel with students,” Sanders said on Falls Creek’s opening week. “We had a great start to the summer today, and God did what only He can do! From the first invitation, we have already had students dealing with their own sin, responding to the Gospel, and seeking spiritual help and prayer support for things they are walking through. It never gets old seeing students worshiping, engaging and responding to the Gospel! It’s a constant reminder of what we get to be a part of together.”
Each summer, thousands of spiritual decisions are recorded, as the Lord moves in the hearts of campers. As of Wednesday, June 15, the Falls Creek program staff reported 935 total spiritual decisions have been made through week one and midway through week two of summer camp. These decisions include 455 professions of faith in Christ and 62 answering a call to ministry.
Gospel preached by camp speakers
Zane Black is a well-known evangelist who is a regular speaker at Falls Creek, and he was camp pastor for week one. In one evening session, Black focused on what it means for Christians to be set apart as followers of Jesus.
“I believe if you are willing to walk in obedience and come away from the world, in that sense, in following Jesus, it will drastically change the fullness of life you will experience here on Earth,” Black said.
For week two, the camp pastor was Brian Mills, another regular Falls Creek speaker. He is a former student minister and evangelist now serving as pastor of Yukon, Trinity. This is Mills’ third time to speak at Falls Creek youth camp.
“Whatever God has for you this week,” Mills asked in his opening sermon on Monday, June 13, “will you put your ‘Yes’ on the table? When we put our ‘Yes’ on the table, it changes everything.”
Mills did a sermon series from the book of Joshua, focusing on Joshua’s commitment to serving God and challenging Falls Creek campers to reflect the same commitment.
People can tune in the evening services through a livestream, available at oklahomabaptist.org/youthcamp.
2022 breakout sessions & camp activities
Each summer, breakout sessions on various topics are offered. In 2022, topics included the following: “Evangelism for Everyday Life;” “A Look at Biblical Sexuality;” “Grasping God’s Word through Bible Study;” “Preparing to Lead Worship;” “Offering Hope to Those in Despair;” “Social Media with Gospel Eyes;” “Living Life with Discernment;” “A Strong Beginning for New Believers;” and “Pursuing a Call to Ministry.”
“One of the reasons we are having this breakout is we are going to teach you how to have Gospel conversations with people that are natural, make sense and where you can be yourself,” said Brian Baldwin, Oklahoma Baptists’ youth missions and evangelism ministry partner who led breakout session, “Evangelism for Everyday Life.”
In addition to teaching sessions, cabin quiet times, the evening worship services and other times of spiritual formation, Falls Creek offers many activities engaging students physically and socially. Students interact with one another in both fun and spiritual challenges. Some of the activities include the ropes course, zip line, Alpine tower, dodgeball, NERF battle, inflatable games, swimming, volleyball tournaments and more.
Oklahoma Baptists Executive Director-Treasurer Todd Fisher encouraged all Oklahoma Baptists to continue to pray for the campers attending Falls Creek.
“Falls Creek is first and foremost a place for students,” Fisher said. “The prayer of Oklahoma Baptists is that this time at Falls Creek will be a major turning point in your life. As you listen to the preaching and teaching, and participate in worship, our greatest desire is for you to have a personal encounter with the living Lord Jesus.”
For more information, visit oklahomabaptists.org/fallscreek.