
It’s another week, and soon June will be over. Isn’t that shocking?

It recently dawned on me that we are in the middle of summer. It seems like a week ago we were trying to figure out how to handle the COVID-19 pandemic… oh wait—I meant the first time.

Anyway, take care of yourself! As my dad used to say when it seemed like we were getting sick, “Do the right things.” Be conscientious of others as you go about your life every day. And pray for the end of this virus!

Here’s this week’s six timely topics. Enjoy!

  1. America’s Babel

Ryan Smith wrote one of his best blogs this week, “Is 2020 America’s Babel?”

This is a poetic summary of what we have experienced so far this year. Ryan points out humanity’s limitations, comparing the circumstances in 2020 to the Genesis 11 account of when people’s creativity and pride got the best of them.

  1. Another great Zylstra article

Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra wrote another powerful piece this week. It’s a heavy story about the death of a Nigerian pastor and his wife. Check out “Who Really Killed Emmanuel and Juliana Bileya?

Zylstra helped me understand what Christians in Nigeria are experiencing. She writes so well that you can’t help but keep reading, even though what you find out is a sad feud among Christian groups.

  1. Another informative and applicable article

Matt Smethurst pulls you in from the title of his article, “4 Ways Not to Be a Jerk Online.”

We are taught to make your headline appealing, so it will pique interest of readers, scrolling through social media. Referring to a list always helps, thus the intention of Doyle’s Half Dozen. Of course, it can also be interesting to find out how not to be a jerk.

Smethurst gives great advice for all viewers.

  1. Dance deals with anger

I am glad I met Mark Dance. He has been with Oklahoma Baptists for less than a year, but he is such an encourager and is making a positive impact in a rather negative season.

Check out Mark’s article “When a Pastor Should—and Shouldn’t—Be Angry.”

It’s a challenging piece, but definitely needs to be read by Christian leaders.

  1. One of the best approaches toward racial reconciliation

I’ve been looking for weeks for somebody to provide exactly what George Yancey is suggesting. The title of this article and video explains it all: “A Christian Approach to Moving Beyond Racial Gridlock: An Alternative to Secular ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘All Lives Matter’ Ideologies

I feel burdened by what has been happening, but if I must confess, I don’t like what is suggested as solutions. There are proposals I cannot accept because they affiliate with unbiblical matters (e.g. disregarding the Sanctity of Human Life, promoting anarchy), or there are tactics that just want me to feel extremely guilty with no resolve.

If you don’t have time to watch the 60-min video, read through Justin Taylor’s notes below the video. I have not completed watching the video, though I intend to, but Taylor’s notes are excellent to read if time is limited.

I especially like the exercise of “Active Listening.” This is a great suggestion and one I need to apply soon. I hope you will consider reading this article, and if you can allow the time to watch the video, it would be worth the investment.

  1. Enjoy without idolizing

I conclude with an article by Justin Buckholder titled “4 Ways to Enjoy Good Things Without Idolizing Them.”

Buckholder gives solid suggestions and good reminders on how to live life in a way that will honor God while also enjoying good things in your life.