I was in a worship service recently when the pastor asked church members to raise their hand if their first contact with the Gospel came because a friend invited them to attend church with them. I stole a quick look around—an overwhelming majority of the people had their hand raised.

People whose lives had been eternally changed because someone they knew invited them to attend a worship service or small group with them.

It is very likely that you have a friend, family member, neighbor or work associate who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You also probably know some church members you have not seen lately, and who could use a fresh start at church or in your small group. You may be waiting for that special opportunity to invite them to attend worship or a group with you.

That’s what Connection Day on Sun., Nov. 2 is all about! As followers of Christ, we want to connect people to Jesus, His Truth, His community, and His mission. Connection Day is a focused effort where all of us strive to bring lost people to Jesus Christ and help provide a new start for church members who may be on the verge of falling out of fellowship.

So what happens on Connection Day? It is simple. Invite your lost friends and neighbors to come to church. The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma has put together some simple cards about the size of a business card titled “Need a Fresh Start?” These cards are an ideal way to break the ice and invite a friend to attend your Sunday School class or small group.

Simply invite your friend to join you for worship and your group experience on Sun., Nov. 2. Be sure to have name tags for everyone to wear. Clean up your room a little, and provide a snack. But prayerfully consider inviting that person God has laid upon your heart.

But, there is something deeper with Connection Day. People who are new to the Gospel are most often reached by making a personal connection with another person or group. In other words, connecting an unsaved or unchurched friend to a Gospel-centered community like your Sunday School class is often the first step in the disciple-making process.

In our culture today, people want to belong to the group first, then they believe and become the person God created them to be!

So, yes, Connection Day is meant to be fun and enjoyable, and a great way for new people to get connected. Call everyone in your class or group and remind them that Sun., Nov. 2 is Connection Day. It is also time-change Sunday—when Daylight Savings Time ends—another good reason to contact everyone. As your group is enjoying meeting new guests, be sure to praise God for the opportunity to connect people in your community for the purpose of making disciples.