How connected is your Sunday School or small group to the biblical call of evangelism?

This year, Oklahoma Baptists are answering with the Connect>1 Evangelism Campaign, an invitation to take the Gospel to every corner of our state by engaging Sunday School classes and small groups in personal evangelism.

What is Connect>1?

Connect>1 is a campaign to equip and engage every church member in personal evangelism through their small group or Sunday School. By using the church’s small group organization, the church will be able to engage greater involvement in evangelism from its members than by any other means. Using its already-existing Sunday School means that the church will not have to create a new organization that will need additional leadership, budget, and space on the church calendar. As the largest organization in most churches, it only makes sense that the Sunday School should support the church’s mission of making disciples by evangelizing its community.

An Historic Partnership with LifeWay

LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention is partnering with our state convention by providing Bible studies to support the Connect>1 Evangelism Campaign. During the first six weeks of this fall, LifeWay’s Bible Studies for Life curriculum will focus specifically on teaching the Gospel. In addition, Oklahoma’s own Blake Gideon, pastor of Edmond, First, is the author of the six-session study, The Unvarnished Truth. This Bible study series forms the foundation of the equipping phase of the Connect>1 Evangelism Campaign.

A 3151 Challenge to Oklahoma Baptists

Beginning with Soulwinning Commitment Day on Oct. 2, Oklahoma Baptists will be asked to take the 3151 Challenge as the engagement phase of the campaign begins. The 3151 Challenge is an opportunity for every Oklahoma Baptists to do the following during the month of October:

3—Pray for three lost friends by name

1—Learn one Gospel presentation

5—Invite five people to your group

1—Share the Gospel at least one time

Imagine the impact that a single small group of 10 people could have on its community when each group member engages in the 3151 Challenge! That group will pray for 30 lost people; 10 group members will learn how to share the Gospel; 50 lost people will be invited to their group; and 10 group members will have a Gospel discussion with lost people—all in only one month!

Resource kits with a sample of every Connect>1 resource piece were shipped to every Oklahoma Baptist church in the first week of March. An order form for additional resources is included in the kit; or you may contact the Sunday School office by email at or by calling 405/942-3000, Ext. 4656.

Oklahoma Baptists have a tremendous opportunity before us to impact lostness in our communities by engaging our church members in personal evangelism.