Lord, just being a Mom is such a blessing,

A blessing like no other!

Especially when I hear them say:

I love you Mother!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our children understood the reality of how much God and Mama loves them! Mama’s love is so special. But, the word “special” takes on a whole new meaning, when you talk about “God’s Love.” It’s awesome, isn’t it! When I think how much He cares about us, it makes cold chills go all over me. No matter where you are in this world, I wish every mother could envision this:

To picture themselves handing their children over to the Lord! Remember those pictures in the Bible, of Jesus holding the little children in His arms. Matt. 19:13 say, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” As mothers, we know there’s no safer place than in the arms of Jesus. But, until He comes to take us home, we’ll bandage all their hurts and heartaches, telling them: Let Mama kiss it… and we’ll ask God to make it well!

It’s like wearing a badge of honor! Mothers around the world… your arms will be the ones holding them close.

“Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to be a mother. What an awesome challenge it is! Lord, give me strength to get through the rough times and a grateful heart to appreciate the good times. Amen.”