It has been a few months since the release of Greg Frizzell’s pilot book, Iceberg Dead Ahead: The Urgency of God-Seeking Repentance. The book outlines growing signs of sin’s consequences and God’s potential judgments. It also strongly emphasizes hope in that God has often brought great revivals out of times of trials or judgment. The Baptist Messenger asked Frizzell several questions.
Question: When the pilot version was released, oil was $65 dollars a barrel, the stock market and dollar much higher, and there was no mortgage crisis. If anything, the book seems even far more timely now. What has been the response to the book?
Frizzell: The response has been incredibly positive. I have not had anyone suggest conditions are really not so urgent or argue against the suggested points for repentance. It is very encouraging when God’s people begin to move toward brokenness and desperation to seek His face. The growing hunger and urgency may well be our greatest hope for revival! The final version of Iceberg Dead Ahead will be out in the fall of this year.
Question: This past year, your office has conducted several association-wide days of prayer and repentance called Returning to God: A Day of Prayer and Repentance. What has been the response to the association-wide Days of Prayer, and do you see signs of hope?
Frizzell: First let me say how wonderful it is to serve under an executive director whose deep desire for revival is the reason my office and focus exist in our state. Anthony Jordan has been able to help lead in all but a few of these special prayer events. To answer your question, the various associations’ response has been encouraging. The morning meetings with pastors, leaders and prayer coordinators have generally been very well attended. The same is true of the area-wide nights of prayer and repentance. Spiritual hunger and interest is definitely growing with evidence of real brokenness and repentance in the prayer meetings. This year, our office will conduct about 14 association-wide Returning to God emphases. Fifteen to 18 are planned for 2009. I am very encouraged by the growing interest.
Question: On Sept, 5-6, your office is sponsoring the multi-state conference: Returning to God with Henry Blackaby. How does this conference play into your strategy for calling Oklahomans to revival and repentance?
Frizzell: I believe this is God’s exact timing. With rising signs of turmoil and a most pivotal national election, now is the time to return to God in fervent prayer and repentance! This conference will be different in that Blackaby is the only plenary speaker, and I have scheduled significant time for guided prayer and repentance. Participants will also take home many new materials to prepare them for deeper prayer and revival in their lives, families and churches. I truly believe Sept. 5-6 will be a life-changing encounter with God.
Question: You mentioned an emphasis on prayer in and for families. How crucial do you think this is for today’s troubled families?
Frizzell: For families, it is easily the single biggest factor in their protection and empowerment. Yet sadly, few families have a handle on effective prayer or Scripture study. We have had strong response to our recently released book, Powerful Prayer for Every Family: Praying a Hedge of Protection. It is a key part of our strategy for revival and breakthrough in families. The book is for individuals, small groups or whole churches. As with our other books, they are available at non-profit prices.
Question: You have said it has never been more crucial for believers to be in fervent prayer for themselves and the nation. You have a soon to be released resource titled, Praying for Revival, Elections and Key Officials (Without Being Political). What is its purpose?
Frizzell: It is a simple, biblical tool to help every believer pray for personal and nation-wide revival. It is further designed to lead individuals and churches into deep repentance. The tool also helps them pray powerfully for elections and key officials without being political. While it contains dynamic biblical ways to pray for elections and officials, it focuses far more on sweeping revival and spiritual awakening. True revival depends far more on the “church house” than the “White House.” A small version will be sent to all BGCO pastors this month. The main version will be available to everyone later in the fall. For information, contact our office or Web site.
Question: You have been in our state now for eight years. Do you have hope Oklahoma can truly see a Great Awakening?
Frizzell: I absolutely do! Oklahoma is mercifully blessed with a unity and kingdom-focus that is simply not true of all states. I am deeply grateful to God for the BGCO and Cooperative Program. Through them, God has provided the support to operate our office and write many other soon- to-be-released revival resources. Though the hour is dark and signs of judgment are increasing, God has not lost His power. May God help us humble ourselves and return to Him with all our hearts!