As pastors, we recognize our sacred duty to preach the Gospel and minister to the vulnerable. We know that a great evil in our time has tragically snuffed out the lives of millions of vulnerable people in America and thousands each year in Oklahoma. This evil is the practice of legalized abortion.

While we to continue to preach, pray and do even more ministry designed to stop the demand for abortion, we want to highlight a key legislative effort that would stop the supply of abortion.

That powerful policy proposal is now under consideration at the Capitol and would help bring about the end of the practice of abortion in Oklahoma, so we can protect every unborn child in this state.

House Bill 1182, by State Rep. Jim Olsen, is a proposed legislative measure that will revoke medical licenses of any physician who performs an abortion.

From studying this proposed legislation and having conversations with key lawmakers, it is clear this bill presents a unique opportunity to uphold the sanctity of human life, as well as raise the bar of expectations that medical professionals in this state “do no harm,” in keeping with the Hippocratic Oath. Thus, this bill would eliminate abortion at its very root.

In recent conversations with pastors and other BGCO leaders, we are actively exploring all possible forward-looking proposals that also would help eliminate abortion, such as a Heartbeat bill and a Human Life Amendment at the state or federal level.

In the meantime, we believe HB 1182 offers a powerful path forward to stop the tragic, harmful and life-destructive practice of abortion, thus saving the lives of thousands of unborn children a year who are now in jeopardy.

Would you add your voice to this effort?

Gideon is senior pastor of Edmond’s First Baptist Church and serves as president of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Keahbone is pastor of Cherokee Hills Baptist Church in Oklahoma City.