b5a99b1c081f95f611dc30fc47c7c07aI think that is a great question. It reminds us to give some thought to the needs of those who spend so much of themselves meeting our needs. This question addresses one of life’s great paradoxes. Experience sometimes shows that the hairdresser has no time left in the day to style their own hair, and that the plumber’s own house has leaky faucets.

What about your encourager? Who is encouraging him? I’m referring to your pastor, of course. He is the one who listens to you when you need to talk to someone. He is one who comes to visit you when you are ill. He is the one who pats you on the back when someone else has stabbed you in it and he lifts you up when life puts you down. Most importantly, he is the one who prepares sermons each week that challenge, inspire and enlighten you for the sake of God’s kingdom.

Of course, even shepherds need shepherding. Even doctors need to be healed. And even the humblest servants need their feet washed from time to time.

You may not have realized that October is “Pastor Appreciation Month.” We encourage every church to take this opportunity to express their love and appreciation for its pastor. God’s Word reminds us that pastors “…who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.” (1 Timothy 5:17, NASB)

On the BGCO Web site, you will find a helpful planning guide from Focus on the Family titled “Pastor Appreciation Planning Guide.” It contains helpful guidelines and suggestions to make this event an inspiring time for your pastor, his family and the entire congregation. Go to www.bgco.org, click on “Resources” and then “Leadership Development.” You will find a folder marked “Pastor Appreciation Month.” The guide is located in that folder.

Encourage your church to do something very special for your pastor and/or his family. He will be greatly encouraged by your gesture, and the church will be blessed in doing something special for God’s shepherd.

There are many different ways to say “Thank You!” to your pastor. Do what you believe will appropriately and adequately express your love and appreciation for the man God has sent to you to lead His church. You may want to do something not mentioned in the guide, but I would encourage you to do something special for your pastor during the month of October.