1065b1daf095a6ff14d0df42d0a25215Oklahoma Baptists are unusually blessed with awesome opportunities to support evangelism, missions and other kingdom projects. No doubt, we all realize the phenomenal spiritual potential of Falls Creek, CrossTimbers and associational camps. If any ministries deserve all-out statewide prayer, certainly it is Oklahoma’s summer camps. It is also increasingly clear that revival and spiritual awakening have become so urgent; our nation’s very future is at stake. If ever there was a time for the most urgent calls to prayer and repentance, surely that time is now! In brief, “A Summer of Seeking God” seeks to do three things that can make a profound difference in coming weeks. (1) To help unite many thousands of Oklahoma Baptists in intense, focused prayer for Falls Creek, CrossTimbers and association-wide camps. (2) Unite thousands in fervent, specific prayers for revival and spiritual awakening. (3) Facilitate statewide corporate prayer for summer camps and for spiritual awakening. Through these simple steps, BGCO believers and churches can experience a powerful moving of God’s presence. (Please see our Web site for a listing of the various association-wide camp dates.)

Three Steps for Believers and Churches

First, during June and July every Oklahoma Baptist can daily pray through A Covenant of Prayer for the Summer Camps and A Covenant of Prayer for Revival and Spiritual Awakening. These two sets of prayers are based on Scripture and facilitate the powerful focus of statewide intercession. God’s Word is clear concerning the unusual power of prayer that is specific and united. (Matthew 18:19; Acts 2:1) Every BGCO pastor has been given copies of the two prayer covenants, and they can be easily downloaded from the Office of Prayer Web site. It is our prayer that every pastor and church will encourage their people to daily remember the vital prayer points. If during June and July, many thousands unite around the same specific prayers, God has promised to move in power.

Second, during June and July, every BGCO Church is asked to take at least some time in a weekly worship service to corporately pray for the summer camps and for spiritual awakening. This corporate prayer can be led by an individual for a period of four or five minutes. Others may choose to take slightly longer and allow for small group prayer. Some churches may also elect to give entire mid-week prayer meetings solely to prayer or add significant corporate prayer to the Sunday evening services.

If today’s opportunities and spiritual crises do not warrant serious corporate prayer, what could? There is absolutely no question that Jesus commands His church to be a house of corporate prayer. (Mark 11:17) The Office of Prayer provides clear formats for conducting various types of corporate prayer meetings. Once churches experience the power of dynamic corporate prayer, most are never again satisfied with church business as usual.

Third, we also encourage every BGCO church to choose one week during June and July for an emphasis of deep spiritual cleansing and a whole service given to corporate prayer. God’s Word leaves no doubt that revival requires prayer that includes deep repentance. It is also clear God gives the awesome promise of forgiveness and power if His people repent. During a week of their own choosing, we urge every church to have their people pray through a spiritual cleansing guide and give the entire evening service to powerful corporate prayer. Both the cleansing guide and prayer formats are available from The Office of Prayer Web site or by mail if requested.

The Time is Now!

In light of today’s great opportunities and urgent needs, the time for prayer and repentance is now! “A Summer of Seeking God” is a simple, yet powerful way we can all agree together in the same biblical prayers for revival and repentance. No doubt, many Oklahoma pastors and churches are already praying in deeper ways. With the urgency of today’s opportunities and challenges, it is hard to imagine any believer or church continuing with business as usual. May God grant us the wisdom to humble ourselves and pray. No matter the depth of today’s darkness, God’s power is greater. Let us seek His face together.