2012 Project: Listening Devices for 1st/2nd Grade Rooms. Back Row: Jalen Atkinson, Jeffrey Bradford, Corby Allen, Samuel Summers, Principal Jennifer Shields and Pastor Aaron Summers. Front Row: Tim Gunsaulis, Drake Moss, Dezmond Williams and Tyler Gunsaulis.
PERRY—The Royal Ambassadors of Perry, First are boys in the 1st-6th grades learning about missions. For the third year, they have partnered with the local elementary school to provide needed items.
Last year, they provided listening devices for the first and second grade classrooms. Two years ago, they provided more than 30 pairs of headphones.
“This year I again went to Mrs. Shields, our principal, and asked what their needs might be. She thought for a moment and hesitated. She wanted to ask the teachers and get back with me. About a week later, I spoke with her and discovered a need for headphones,” said Pastor Aaron Summers.
“Our boys stood up in front of the church and requested the funds to purchase headphones for the school. Being on mission for God is not only something we do somewhere else, but also at home. We believe in reaching the world beginning with reaching our community.

2013 Project: Headphones for Computer Lab. Back Row: Assistant Principal Brian Hall, Corby Ally, Tim Gunsaulis, Caleb Peery, Lukus Peery, Samuel Summers and Pastor Aaron Summers. Middle Row: Damion Culver, Tyler Gunsaulis, Dezmond Williams, Joe Ramirez, Casey Pipkin, Principal Jennifer Shields. Front Row: Justin Trask, Connor Pilcher, Tajan Williams and Keith Ramirez. The church raised enough money to provide 84 pairs of headphones for the elementary school.
“One of these practical ways is to partner with our school for a specific need. We set a goal of (purchasing) 50 and a challenge goal of 75. Our church raised enough to meet the challenge goal and more. What better way could we show love than through our schools? And, our boys learned first-hand about missions.”
On Oct. 14, Perry, First’s Royal Ambassadors presented Perry Elementary School with 84 pairs of headphones to assist those classes with children who don’t have headphones, for when they break or if new students enter the school.
“The administration was very pleased to receive this gift,” Summers said. “Perry, First desires to become a family of believers who are spiritually thriving and impacting the community and culture. Over the past three years, our church has provided for the schools and the community through this project and others, such as the clean-up after the storm in 2011.
“Working with the Code Enforcement Office of the City of Perry, volunteers from our church worked to bring the property of several citizens up to code, including a complete renovation of one backyard and new fence panels.”