How did you get your start in ministry?

When I was a freshman in college, my home church, Lindsay, Erin Springs, gave me an opportunity to serve in youth ministry during the spring and summer months while they searched for a new youth pastor. I did not have a clue what I was doing, but it was an important time in my life that God used to affirm His calling in my life! During my time at Oklahoma Baptist University, I was called to my first official ministry position at Midwest City, Eastwood as their youth pastor.

Who do you consider your Oklahoma Baptist mentors, as you have progressed in full-time ministry?

The Lord has been good to place many Oklahoma Baptists in my life. In my early years, my pastor Jeremy Smith at Eastwood went above and beyond in showing me by example the basics of ministry and expository preaching. After Eastwood, I had the privilege to serve under Hance Dilbeck at Oklahoma City, Quail Springs. Hance mentored me through the process of becoming a pastor and instilling in me a love for feeding, leading and caring for the flock of God. Hance consistently taught me to “let the Word do the work” and was always a reliable source of wisdom. Finally, I was blessed to take several seminary courses with Todd Fisher who taught me preaching, New Testament and hermeneutics. After he was my professor, he was always a phone call away for advice and wisdom in ministry.

How are you and your church involved in serving the community and advancing the Gospel?

One way we recently served our community was through a Great Day of Service. We took a Sunday to serve our community and completed around 30 different jobs from basic lawn care, city park repairs, main street clean up, painting at the school and other minor construction and repair jobs all over Lindsay. This day allowed us to serve and minister to several people. Another thing we are doing this year during Holy Week is hosting a Good Friday walkthrough experience called “Embrace the Cross.” There will be several different stations for people all over the community to learn the history of Jesus’s crucifixion and to reflect on the importance of His sacrifice for our sins. Everyone who comes will hear the Gospel and will have an opportunity to connect with one of our ministers.

Why is it important for you and Lindsay, First to support the Cooperative Program?

We support and value the Cooperative Program because we believe we can do more together than we can do on our own. The people at Lindsay, First love to hear about the work of Oklahoma Baptists as well as stories from the International Mission Board and North American Mission Board because of their participation in giving through the Cooperative Program.


How you can pray for Oklahoma Pastors…

  1. Pray for his family.

Ask God to help him love and lead his family well, making the most of his time in the home. Ask the Lord to give him the courage to put off the trivial matters of ministry, so he’s fully engaged as the husband and father God calls him to be.

Ephesians 5:25 and Psalm 127:3-5

  1. Pray for his walk with God.

Pray that he will devote himself to prayer and Bible reading first and foremost before he begins his day of ministry and family time.

Philippians 4:6 and Psalm 119:9

  1. Pray for his schedule.

Pastors prepare engaging sermons, have people to visit in hospitals, worry home-bound members will fall through the cracks, and are attempting to follow up with visitors. Pray that God will help him manage his schedule well to spend time with his family and lead his church family.

Ephesians 5:15-17 and Psalm 90:12

  1. Pray for his sermon preparation & delivery.

Pray that God gives him focus and perseverance in sermon prep, as well as clarity and wisdom as he aims to rightly handle the Word of God. Pray God will fill him with passion and conviction as he declares the Good News to encourage the saints and lead the lost to love and follow Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 119:18,

Hebrews 4:12, & Mark 16:15