DEL CITY—The 117th Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Baptists is set for Nov. 13-14 at Del City, First Southern.

The annual meeting will feature times of preaching, worship through music, prayer, fellowships, business sessions, ministry reports, as well as various auxiliary ministry events. Registered messengers and guests may attend the two-day event, which is provided by the Cooperative Program, and the event will offer exhibits, at which pastors and messengers to the meeting can be connected to resources.

Speakers for the 2023 Annual Meeting include Oklahoma Baptists’ Executive Director-Treasurer Todd Fisher; President Chris Wall, senior pastor of Owasso, First; and Pastor Michael Staton of Mustang, First.

The theme of the Annual Meeting is “Focused,” which is inspired by Phil. 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

“It’s that time again for our Annual Meeting,” Fisher said in a video message to Oklahoma Baptists. “I really want to encourage you to attend this year. We will have some great preaching. We’ll have great reports about all of the wonderful things that God is doing in our churches and through our ministries here in Oklahoma.”

The opening Annual Meeting session will take place Monday evening, Nov. 13, with pre-session music at 6:20 p.m. Prior to the Annual Meeting, the Oklahoma Baptists’ Pastors’ Conference will take place beginning Monday morning at Del City, First Southern.

Key business items this year include the election of officers and a Constitution & Bylaws Review and Revision Task Force Report. Ministry reports will be given by Oklahoma Baptists representatives, as well as all four Oklahoma Baptist affiliates: Baptist Village Communities, Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, Oklahoma Baptist University and WatersEdge.

Pastors’ Conference President Brad Graves, who serves as senior pastor of Ada, First, invited pastors across the state to attend. “Oklahoma Baptists’ Pastors Conference is one of the great times for Oklahoma Baptist pastors to renew and restore their relationship with Jesus,” Graves said.

Visit for more information on how churches can pre-register messengers, for travel information and more.