How can we overlook or even ignore the re-arising of overt racism in America? I said “re-arising” because as distasteful as it may be, hoods or no hoods, racism against the black race has always been a part of the American fabric.

In recent days, there has been a widespread uncovering of the hatred that once turned brother against brother and divided the nation. We must ask ourselves “Was the division ever mended, and were brothers made brothers once again?”

One of my professors said, “A problem will never be solved if it is covered up. A situation will never be settled until it is dealt with. Problems and situations are a part of everyday life, but if they be not dealt with, you will be doomed to repeat them.”  If the problem of racism is ignored then Gen. 1:27 made a mistake when it said we all were made in the image of God.

How could anyone not be moved and terrified by the horror of seemingly-increased violence against mankind? In this case, the terrifying horror of increased violence against African-Americans.

The key word used in identifying the racial object of much bigotry, oppression and violence in our world today, is the word “American.”

It may interest you to know the trials of the so-called “Ham” curse and the tribulation of the “alt-right” movement are not new. Our fathers and forefathers had to press on even while dealing with such great opposition. Opposition that came about from not obtaining a good understanding of the Word of God.

Biblically speaking, God never intended for man to rule over man.

I believe His intention was clearly stated as we were commanded to live peacefully with all men.

It would seem that some have forsaken peace with all men and engaged with the perils of bigotry and racial hatred. When I look at the events that are coming to pass, many questions arise:

• How do I feel about the resurfaced racism and hatred against Blacks?

• How do I feel when the Confederate or Nazi flag is waved at me in protest of my human rights?

• How do Blacks feel when, although we were born and raised in America, we are considered less than American citizens?    

When I see the tragedy of racism that has claimed the attention of every corner of the land, so many questions arise about why men so willingly perpetrate such evil and sinful acts.

Mind you the Black populous, here in America, has always been the center of racial bias and the object of cruelty, violence and hatred. The wayward acts of mankind, such as these, are the paramount reason Christ died at Calvary, but to continue in those wayward acts shows a rejection of the way of peace.

Paul said in Rom. 8:31 “What shall we say to these things? If God be for us who can be against us.” We were all created for one purpose; every man, every woman, every boy and every girl were created to serve the Lord. 

I think at this juncture I need to tell all of us, “together we will stand and divided we will surely fall.”

Where is the Church of Jesus Christ to stand, in the midst, of this tragic matter? How should the associations, conventions and Christian organizations reply to its members?

I will address this more completely later, but for those of us who claim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we can no longer be silent. Brothers and Sisters, we have been silent far too long.

The teachings of Christ indicate if you offend one you offend all. We can’t afford to stick our heads in the sand and ignore the bigotry and racism that has presented itself openly in our country.

The world needs to see the church standing firm, hand in hand, arm in arm on the Word of God.

When asked about an answer for the rise of hatred, bigotry and racism in our world, the church must proclaim; “Jesus is the answer for the world today.”