Oklahoma Baptists are familiar with the hope that we can share with those in need through a summer at Falls Creek Youth Camp through Gospel proclamation, invitation, discipleship, spiritual growth, Christian community, sending and worship.

This summer, campers will have another way to introduce Hope in places where it is needed most. For the first time, churches will have the opportunity to engage in a summer-long, hands-on mission project at Falls Creek Youth Camp called Giving Hope.

“Adding this new ‘Giving Hope’ piece to our response ministry will definitely fill a void we have identified in our desire to best provide help, hope and healing to those impacted by disasters.” Oklahoma Disaster Director Relief (DR) Director Jason Yarborough said of this new opportunity. “I’m excited about the new opportunity our volunteers will have to connect with homeowners to meet a physical need that opens the door for us to speak into their spiritual need.”

The Giving Hope project consists of two parts. “Messages of Hope” will allow students to write prayers and encouraging messages for Oklahoma Baptist DR volunteers to deliver to homeowners affected by a disaster. Student may also assemble “First Contact” bags that DR volunteer crews provide to families in crisis.

All of us have been affected by natural disaster whether directly or indirectly. This is a reality that we live up close and personally all the time. We also all have need others to carry our burdens. It is a beautiful and powerful thing when those two realities mix.

The Giving Hope project is a great example of the cooperation inherent to Oklahoma Baptists. It is also a practical example of the service the Lord intends his children to engage in. It is a great vehicle to share the Gospel to meet spiritual needs in the face of physical needs.

Giving Hope provides an exciting opportunity for the large number of campers at Falls Creek to engage with the project, educate students about Disaster Relief and connect them to relief opportunities beyond camp, giving hope to those in need.

To participate, Falls Creek groups may reserve a time to participate or send students in the afternoons Wednesday through Friday to the Mission Outpost each week at camp.

Pray that the Giving Hope project would inspire students, unite groups and open doors to advance the Gospel this summer and beyond.