Prayer is the true groundwork of a summer at Falls Creek. Churches commit. Leaders plan and lead. Students anticipate and take all the necessary steps to get there—ready for the Lord to do something in their life and in the life of their friends. But unless the Lord moves, all of that is empty of eternal worth. So, even for all the planning, positioning, and preparation, it will be empty of spiritual power without the Lord doing what only He can do—saving souls and changing lives.

The Lord moves when His people pray. We can do nothing of eternally significant worth without the Holy Spirit moving, so, prayer warriors, armor up. Prayer partners, join in.

Here are a few major areas you can pray for as Falls Creek Youth Camps approach:


We want to pray for students to respond in a way that we have never seen before. Pray campers would find salvation in Jesus and respond to the great news of the Gospel.


We want to pray that students will take their faith seriously and grow spiritually through the interactions and conversations at camp, the breakouts, the quiet times and in cabin studies, the worship services, and the preaching and teaching of God’s word. Pray students would be overwhelmed with God, desire to follow Him above all, and be less and less enamored with the world. Pray that 2024 would be a milestone marker in their spiritual journey and growth.


We want to pray unity in the Spirit would be evident each week between students, leaders, and churches. Also, pray that the unity would spread back to impact the churches present, the communities they influence, and relationships between believers.


We want to pray for the Lord to call students to carry on Gospel advance and live on mission beyond camp. Ask the Lord to help students, leaders, and churches take
seriously the responsibility we have been given to reach others with the Good News of Jesus. Also, ask the Lord to empower students called to the ministry to embrace, follow through on, and live out that calling throughout their lives.

Will you pray for camp this summer?
Will you pray for students?
Will you pray for God to move?

You are an important player in what happens at camp when you beg God to do the work that only He can do. Join with us in prayer for the important work that can happen through Falls Creek youth camp.