“But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you” (1 Sam. 12:24).

We experienced the goodness of God this summer. He once again showed His power as He moved during Falls Creek youth camp weeks. We are grateful. You joined us this year in praying for a number of things. We saw the Lord meet many of our requests.

We prayed for salvation. A record number of students in our evening services indicated they professed Jesus as Lord and trusted Christ for salvation this summer. A total of 2,672 students called on the name of Jesus and were saved.

We prayed for students to respond to a call to ministry on their lives. The Lord called nearly 500 students into ministry this summer.

We prayed for spiritual growth this summer. Students were challenged each week to live a disciple-making lifestyle by practicing the discipline of personal evangelism. Leading the spiritual growth opportunities over the summer, Oklahoma Baptist Youth Ministry staff trained more than 30,000 attendees in personal evangelism in the morning teaching time.

We prayed for the church to be stronger and more unified. Leaders have reported significant spiritual work in their groups and tighter community among their students during and following camp.

We prayed for an explosion of evangelism and baptisms. We prayed—as we have been praying—that students would continue to follow through on decisions made this summer.

We prayed for Gospel impact in communities around the state and nation. We prayed for global reach from what God does in lives each summer at Falls Creek Youth Camp.

Much of this work remains to come to life. Although the real picture of lasting impact will come weeks, months and years down the road, we have already received encouraging reports. Students are following through on their commitments. They returned home and are planning to impact their schools and communities and invest in their churches, youth ministries, and beyond. In addition, several thousand students expressed interest in missions of some kind in varying levels of commitment.

Much work of follow-through is yet to be done from the work God did this summer. We are grateful for opportunity ahead. We anticipate celebrating for years to come what God did this summer. What a privilege we have to participate with one another in this way, to serve together.

Would you continue pray? Pray for follow-through for growth, for continued spark in churches and communities from what the Lord did this summer? Would you pray for the Summer of 2024?

We ask Jesus to continue to do what only He can do—save souls and change lives. Pray that God would continue to allow us to see more and more of Jesus through Falls Creek.

Jesus first. Jesus only. Jesus now. Jesus always. Jesus. Period.