Certainly readers of the Baptist Messenger have come to expect and rely on us for accurate and dependable information regarding critical issues that impact Christian life.
Yes, we continue to beat the drum for pro-life legislation and related issues. Some may grow tired of our commitment to keep the fight for the unborn ever before our readers. The anniversary of Roe v. Wade has once again brought abortion into the social spotlight.
It is very important for Christians to be on their guard regarding the sources they use for information regarding these critical issues. What appears to be a Christian perspective or a biblical worldview may in fact be nothing but lies and propaganda from the pits of Hell.
A recent full-page advertisement in an alternative news publication was sponsored by a group known as The Oklahoma Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (ORC). The organization describes itself as pro-faith, pro-family and pro-choice.
The advertisement celebrates the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. More than 300 people are listed beneath a caption that reads, “We believe . . . reproductive freedom is a vital part of religious liberty.”
To the casual reader, it appears that having an abortion is an acceptable means of birth control and that certain religious people, many of whom are listed as women of the clergy, are supportive of abortion. It comes as no surprise that Planned Parenthood is also listed among the abortion supporters.
The advertisement states that abortion is a personal issue, best left in the hands of a woman, her doctor and her god. Notice there is no mention of the hands of the baby and reference is made to “her” god, emphasis on lower case spelling, and not God.
Why should we care or even take the time to bring attention to such a disgusting organization? Thankfully, the organization classifies itself as religious and not Christian. Unfortunately, there will be those who do not see the difference, and as a result draw the conclusion that abortion is a practical option for “people of faith.”
The ORC does a good job of using traditional Christian terms to confuse the issues. In the minds of most Christians, the terms pro-faith and pro-family have no business being associated with pro-choice. Nonetheless, the ORC provides this train of thought as a viable option. It may be a viable option for a religious organization, but it is certainly not an option for any true Christian or Christian organization.
We live in a day and time when labels are not clear indicators of the true meaning behind a name. Interfaith logos, use of the words church and clergy in the name of religion have only served to confuse what it truly means to be a people of God.
If readers of the advertisement are not careful, they could soon be providing financial support to what appears to be a faith-based organization when, in fact, they are providing financial support to people, who in the name of religion, are killing innocent babies.
Do not send funding; rather send a letter to the ORC expressing your disappointment in the ORC for claiming to be both pro-faith, pro-family and pro-choice. The ORC is a shameful disgrace. Write them today at ORC, P.O. Box 35194, Tulsa 74153-0194. Most of all, pray that God will change the hearts and minds of ORC.