With President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to become the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice, there has been widespread conversation about the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the notorious 1973 Supreme Court ruling that mandated legalized abortion in America.

The thought goes like this. If Justice Kavanaugh is affirmed by the Senate, thus bringing a conservative majority to the Court, a case could thereafter arise that challenges and overturns, at least in effect, Roe v. Wade. The theory then goes that the issue of abortion would be returned to the states, and we would find out what life in America looks like after Roe.

Whether these actions will happen, or if these theories hold up, time will tell. But it’s important to note that this pro-life hope and strategy has long been in the works for decades. During that same time, pro-life Christians fortunately have not stood still on the issue.

We have, by the grace of God, built a wide network of pregnancy resource centers (PRC) across the country that provide no-cost medical, emotional and physical help to those facing an unintended pregnancy. There are now some 40 evangelical-based PRCs in Oklahoma alone.

More than that, State Legislatures, including in Oklahoma, have taken an active role in trying to regulate, curtail or work toward effectively ending abortion. Prayer efforts and rallies, such as 40 Days for Life and the annual Rose Day Pro-Life Rally, have brought Christians together in prayer who may not normally associate with one another.

The fight for life and against abortion, after all, is not just another budget issue. It’s central to all we believe, because we are talking about real people, unborn boys and girls who are made in the image of God.

As these days unfold, we can continue to volunteer and use our voice to speak into this issue. And we can continue to pray that life after Roe would mean an end to abortion in Oklahoma and ultimately all 50 states.

Until that time, and even after Roe, it’s important for Christians to continue to work and pray for a day in which abortion is not only illegal, but it’s also unthinkable, as Russell Moore has said. In other words, we need to continue to build a culture of life.

Abortion was not something invented by the Supreme Court in the 70s or in modern America. Abortion has been with fallen humanity since the earliest days, though it has manifested its hideous head in especially tragic ways in recent history.

Who’s behind this culture of death? Although Satan uses different people in different times—Pharaoh, King Herod and today Planned Parenthood—his marching orders are always the same: kill the babies! That’s what the great preacher Adrian Rogers said and believed about who is behind this blueprint of death. The destruction of babies, whether by abortion or infanticide, is indeed part of the enemy’s anti-life plans.

This means we must continue to be the pro-life followers of Christ who show the world that all human life is worthy. More than that, we will show the world that Jesus came with a promise to give them “life and life abundantly” (John 10:10).

And that’s a promise even the highest court in the land cannot give or take away.