If you are following the public conversation about homosexuality, you may have noticed a new letter to the acronym, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender). It is now politically correct to say “LGBTQ” where the Q stands for “Questioning.”

Before I begin analyzing what I think this signifies, let me say a couple things. I am in no way presenting an “us versus them” scenario here or perpetuating a mass conspiracy. Instead I wish to discuss what this expanded terminology means as a worldview. Secondly, for many decades in America, the so-called homosexual community has been viewed as a marginal group; today, though the number of people who self-identify as homosexual is very small, they are no longer a marginal group. Lastly, any discussion about homosexuals should be grounded in love toward people. While we disagree with the worldview and know that homosexual acts violate God’s standards, in Christianity, each of us is a sinner and called to love our neighbors.

/// It’s the worldview

When presenting an acronym like LGBTQ, there are at least two things going on here. The first is to suggest that there are a lot of homosexuals out there. Adding as many letters to the acronym as possible is primarily to show society that people who self-identify as Lesbian or Gay and so forth belong together, and that is who they are.

In Christianity, meanwhile, Christ, Himself, separates the sin from the sinner. One of the liberating parts about God’s work on the cross is that He took our sin on Himself, and we bear it no more. In other words, a repentant person who stole is no longer a thief. An adulterer who sought forgiveness from Christ no longer has to wear a scarlet A.

Adding labels like this to people is a setback, not a protection, and I, for one, won’t take part.

/// The ‘Am I one?’ deception

God created man and woman (Gen. 1). After Adam’s sin, all of mankind inherited a sin nature that is the fountainhead of our corruption. Sexual sin is one of the areas of life in which there is no end to the deviations. As sexual beings, we are prone to improper desires that, if acted upon, would wreak havoc on families, society and the world.

Christ, therefore, provides sexual boundaries for our own good. This is a hard lesson to learn, especially for young people struggling with inflamed sexual desires. To put the idea of “questioning” out there creates a stumbling block for many. While many, if not most, will go through their entire life without same-sex attraction, it is possible in a fleeting moment, or an unconscious thought, toward someone of the same sex. That does not mean the person is a homosexual any more than someone who was tempted to steal is a thief. Again, in Christ, we are liberated from our temptations.

But there is more. So many teenagers and youth today are experimenting with sex in dangerous, destructive ways. To institutionalize “questioning” as a something—as a particular category of life—only aggravates the problem. In short, adding the Q is irresponsible and shows that the worldview behind this is expansionistic. In other words, it’s it not about being left alone, it is about adding to their roles. That is how temptation has worked since the Garden of Eden.

/// Help us, Lord

In any conversation about sin, it is important for every believer to admit his own weaknesses. Each of us is a sinner and prone to sin. Some of those sins are embraced and become a lifestyle, which is when they are especially dangerous.

In Christ, we do not embrace our sins, but, rather, repent of them. In writing this column, I do not wish to judge other people, but underscore the dangers of the worldview behind the term LGBTQ. By God’s help, we will see past this moment of political correctness and, as a society, emerge more toward the Christian view of sex, which brings dignity, worth and meaning to all people. God, help us.