Moses spent 40 days face-to-face with God on Mount Sinai (Ex. 34:28). Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, fasting and praying (Matt. 4:1-11).

Starting later this month, pro-life Christians across the country and other parts of the world will likewise spend 40 days focused on one godly goal: praying for an end to abortion.

Yes, the 40 Days for Life, which is a cross-denominational peaceful prayer effort focused on saving unborn children, starts Sept. 26 and goes through Nov. 4.

Prayer locations are selected throughout the country, including multiple locations in Oklahoma (see for details).

The power behind these efforts are many. They are peaceful. They are prayer-focused and bring together Christians from various backgrounds. And the results from the 40 Days for Life are real.

According to 40 Days resources, “40 Days for Life campaigns have been conducted in 769 communities in 50 nations. More than 14,600 children have been reported as saved from abortion. Local abortion numbers have dropped —as much as 28 percent. Post-abortive women (and men) are finding healing and forgiveness. In each city, hundreds—more than 1,000 in some cases—are getting involved with local life-saving ministry efforts for the first time.”

Added to these encouraging statistics, 40 Days has been life-changing for many. Consider the examples of Sue Thayer and Ramona Trevino, who each were turned from Planned Parenthood employees into pro-life activists and supporters for life, through the impact of 40 Days for Life events.

Oklahoma could use some encouragement in this area these days, considering there are at least four abortion centers in our state, by the most recent count.

Some practical ways to get involved with 40 Days for Life and other peaceful prayer efforts are:

“Invite people of faith to join together for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion;

“Stand for life through a 40-day peaceful, prayerful, public witness outside the local abortion center; and

“Take a positive, upbeat pro-life message to every corner of our (state) through media efforts, church presentations, door-to-door advocacy and public visibility.”

With 40 Days for Life, all participants sign a statement of peace and promise to conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner, which sadly has not always been the case in anti-abortion demonstrations. Yet, by and large, pro-life efforts by Christians have been peaceful and productive.
This fall, people will spend time, money and effort on many things. From attending ballgames to campaigning for candidates of their liking, people will endure almost any cost or discomfort for these activities.

Why not set aside one or more hours during the 40 Days for Life to pray for the unborn and for women and men who are abortion vulnerable? Instead of worrying about lost ballgames, let’s spend some time in desperate prayer before God Almighty, asking Him to save precious unborn babies, before they are lost to the grip of the growing abortion menace in this land.