For many people, it’s Christmas. For others, it’s Halloween or the Fourth of July.

My personal favorite holiday, from my earliest memories as a child to today, has always been Easter.

Quite simply, I like everything about it. I like seeing people get dressed in their Sunday best. I like that more people attend church services, including those who may not at other times. I like the hymns (“Christ the Lord is Risen Today” is just wonderful). Plus you get family time and a lot of chocolate to boot.

But what about this year, what about now? With the Coronavirus cancelling our ability to hold in person worship services for almost all; with the virus limiting family get-togethers and more, can this 2020 holiday still be a ‘Happy Easter’?

I would answer a resounding “yes!” Why is that?

One simple reason: Because no virus can change the fact that Jesus is alive forevermore. No lockdown orders or event cancellations can cancel the truths contained in the Scriptures, such as these powerful verses:

“He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where He lay. Then go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead” (Matt. 28:6-7).

The best part of Easter (or “Resurrection Sunday”) this year—or any year—is celebrating the Crucified and Risen Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

To the best ability God can give us, let’s rejoice in these great truths to the fullest extent possible. Whether in person or online, let’s rejoice and proclaim that God sent His Son Jesus to die for us. That Jesus rose from the dead, that He’s alive forevermore, offering salvation and resurrection life to all who repent and believe!

To everyone reading this, I pray you have a blessed Holy Week… a good Good Friday, and a blessed and Happy Easter!