Please submit a photo in any of the following categories:
- Youngest Reader (reading on their own)
- Oldest Reader
- Most Unique Reading Spot
- Farthest from Oklahoma Reader
- Most Creative use of Printed Messenger
CONTEST DATES: Starts Memorial Day, May 28 Ends Labor Day, Sept. 2
Three ways to enter!
1. FACEBOOK: Go to our Facebook page and click the “Summer Reading Photo Contest” image at the top of the page (below the cover photo between the photos and likes boxes) or just click here.
2. EMAIL: Email your photo and information to, subject line “Summer Reading Contest”
3. MAIL: Or mail in your photo and information to:
The Baptist Messenger
Attn: Summer Reading Contest
3800 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Entries must include a photo (digital or printed) and complete contact information. Please include your: name, phone number and email. No doctored photos are allowed. Entries must be suitable for all audiences (G-rated). Family members of Messenger staff are excluded from entry. All winning entries will be published in The Baptist Messenger. Other entries will be viewable on the Baptist Messenger facebook page at