Given the high cost of gasoline and the time it takes away from busy schedules, is attending the annual meeting really worth the effort? There are at least five good reasons NOT to attend and five good reasons to attend.
Five reasons why you should NOT attend the annual meeting:
Reason 5: Your wife is in labor.
Truth is there is no good reason to miss the birth of your baby. Doing so may result in bodily injury or even loss of life.
Reason 4: You read last year’s report and are fairly certain the names and numbers may have changed, but for the most part, everything has stayed the same.
While this may appear to be the case, God has accomplished much through your support of the Cooperative Program. When it comes to what we accomplish together, the numbers matter.
Reason 3: You believe a better name for the annual meeting would be the annual homecoming.
While the annual meeting is a great place to meet and greet old friends, it is also a great place to be inspired by what God is doing through Southern Baptist churches throughout the state. Besides, who wants to build a homecoming float?
Reason 2: You are afraid that something you say from the floor might end up on someone’s blog.
The way things are going; this could very well be the case. Then again, they say there is no such thing as bad publicity. Really?
Reason 1: You are a new pastor and your revival calendar for next year is already full. Attending the annual meeting would mean you would have to tell some of your preacher buddies no.
If this is the only reason why you attend the meeting, you might have a good reason to stay at home.
Five reasons why you SHOULD attend the annual meeting:
Reason 5: You believe attending the annual meeting helps you to stay on top of what God is accomplishing through your church at the state level.
If you don’t know, who does? The annual meeting is a great opportunity to hear firsthand about what all God is accomplishing through your church worldwide.
Reason 4: You realize that participating in the process gives you a say in who we are as Baptists.
Silence is agreement. This is your convention. Speak up. Your voice matters. The convention is a terrific time to shape who we are as Oklahoma Baptists.
Reason 3: You have learned that the annual meeting is a great place to bring church members who wonder what you do with all those Cooperative Program dollars.
Truth is, the more church members understand what all God is accomplishing through them with the Cooperative Program; they will only want to support the work of the church even more.
Reason 2: Great place to pick up topics for your next blog
What can we say? Blogs are here to stay. Everyone has struggles with writer’s block from time to time. The convention is a great source for leads. Blogs are a great way to stir up discussion for issues that need to be addressed at next year’s annual meeting.
Reason 1: You realize God is still at work in your denomination.
Now is your time to make a difference. This is your convention. It is time to use it or lose.