Oklahoma students were among more than 2 million around the world who gathered school flagpoles Sept. 28 to pray for fellow students, teachers and their nation during See You At The Pole.
“There were schools that had only two or three students praying all the way up to those that had hundreds gathered around their flagpoles,” said Norman Flowers, student evangelism and mobilization specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. “Almost all of our schools participated.”
In addition to the prayer time at the flagpoles 32 pre- and post- SYATP rallies were held across the state.
“We don’t have all the reports in yet,” said Flowers. “But we know there were more than 6,000 students who attended 13 rallies.”
Flowers said among those, there were 775 professions of faith, and more than 400 other decisions.
“We had anywhere from 64 to 1,000 in attendance at the rallies, with 300 churches participating,” he said. “This simple thing of students praying for God to move on their campuses and the evening rallies has made an impact.”
Several students from around the state reported on what happened around their school flagpoles during See You At The Pole. Following are some excerpts.
• “In Calvin, ‘tons’ of people showed up for SYATP. We prayed to the Lord and shared our love together. One of the football coaches brought the whole football team, and he prayed for us. It was an awesome experience for everyone.”
• “When we finished praying, I opened my eyes and the circle had doubled while we had our heads bowed. At our SYATP after event, two of my friends got saved.”
• “At Durant High School, one of our teachers joined us and began to cry because her children were not saved. We got to pray with her, and she was so encouraged.”
• “My friend played the guitar and I and another friend led the music. It made me realize how much of an example I am. Pray that I don’t take the easy way, and that I fight the good fight, run for the prize and keep my eyes on God.”
• “SYATP is an amazing thing students can lead. We have a small school, but we had 69 students there, and we had one person commit their life to Christ.”
• “At Oologah-Talala Middle School, a lot of people came to pray at SYATP. Also we have a youth group called Youth Alive, which meets during lunch. Every Wednesday, more and more kids come. We meet in the art room. Its amazing what God can do in an art room.”
• “About 100 people came to SYATP at my middle school. We passed out life books, and almost everyone in the school took one. I know at least one person who got saved that day.”
• “We had a great time of worship at Duncan High School—an amazing time of singing and small group prayer time! I believe two or three people got saved.”
• “Our principal, superintendent and teachers came and prayed with us for the first time.”
• “At Little Axe High School, we had a 40-plus person increase this year. Every past year we’ve had 10-15 people. This year, there were more than 50 kids at our flag pole. We had a worship session and small group prayer. God spoke to me and saved some of my friends’ lives where they can be with God forever.”
• “At SYATP in Muskogee, three people from my youth group got saved. They need to have a See You At The Pole every week. I am a new Christian, and seeing others come to Christ, too, is amazing. In the past few weeks at First Church in Fort Gibson, at least 25 people have been saved and baptized.”
• “This year, I got to be a photographer at our SYATP. It was amazing walking around and catching the heart-felt memories of my classmates praying for our nation, town, state and world—all of us gathered together, and I got to capture it on camera.”
• “I got to lead at SYATP. I was expecting four people to show and more than 40 people, along with two teachers, showed up. You could feel God’s power all around. God spoke to me, and said He wanted me to do a Bible study at school, so I am trying to do that.”