From prayer to partnership missions, the 2015 annual meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO) looks to be anything but “business as usual.”

Anthony Jordan, BGCO executive director-treasurer, is extending a special open invitation to the 109th Annual Meeting, Nov. 9-10, at Oklahoma City, Southern Hills.

“The Annual Meeting is always a great opportunity for Oklahoma Baptists to come together and celebrate God’s blessings and His vision for the year ahead,” said Jordan. “This year will be particularly special, as we take care of business, and participate in fellowship and worship. ”

/// Annual Meeting, Other Event Program Information

Speakers at the Annual Meeting include BGCO president Hance Dilbeck, pastor of Oklahoma City, Quail Springs; Peteris Sprogis, president, Union of Baptist Churches in Latvia; Blake Gideon, pastor, Edmond, First; Sam Dyer, pastor, Heavener, First; and  Jordan, among others.

The Annual Meeting theme is “Connect>1,” reflecting the Convention’s focus on personal evangelism through the ReConnect Sunday School strategy. Resources related to the effort will be announced.

Prior to the Annual Meeting, a Pastors’ Conference will take place beginning at 9 a.m. at Oklahoma City, Southern Hills. Speakers include Gregg Matte, pastor, Houston, Texas, First, and Robert Smith, Charles T. Carter Baptist Chair of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School, Birmingham, Ala.

Also connected to the Annual Meeting is the Women’s Ministry Missions Celebration on Nov. 9. The event will feature, author and former International Mission Board missionary Gayla Parker. For more information about the Missions Celebration, visit

/// Prayer to be emphasized

A major emphasis throughout the Annual Meeting will be time spent in prayer.  Times of focused prayer will be observed during every session.

“These are not the days of business as usual, and we want to see a mighty move of God in this state. We want to see people come to Christ, people be baptized and to be on mission,” said Jordan.

/// Election of Messengers

The Annual Meeting of the BGCO consists of messengers from cooperating churches, in accordance with the Convention’s constitutional requirements. Church members interested in becoming a messenger should contact their local church office for information on the appropriate process to be elected as a messenger.

Each cooperating church has the privilege of sending at least one representative from their church as a messenger to the Annual Meeting. The process is simply for the church, during a business session, to nominate and elect the appropriate number of people to serve as messengers from their church. Upon arrival at the Annual Meeting, the elected messenger must register at one of the two messenger registration desks. During registration, the messenger will be provided a packet of materials and ballots to use during the Annual Meeting business sessions. Only registered messengers have voting privileges.

Messenger cards will be mailed to churches prior to the Annual Meeting. Messengers using the card system must present their cards at the Convention Registration Desk. Online pre-registration also will be available at