Like perhaps no other movie before, War Room is having a wonderful effect toward motivating believers toward prayer. As we consider more fervent prayer, it is vital to be clear on the essential principles of tearing down strongholds. In 2 Cor. 10:4, Paul said believers have “weapons that are mighty through God to the demolishing of strongholds.” The words in this text are incredibly powerful. Yet today, the sad reality is that many believers neither understand, nor know how, to fully use God’s mighty weapons.
I outline seven biblical steps that bring victory over any stronghold. God’s principles not only work for victory in our lives, but also in praying for victory in others. Our resource, Demolishing Spiritual Strongholds, provides clear guidelines any believer can follow. May we never settle for less than the full victory God provides!
/// Seven Steps for Overcoming Strongholds
1. Approach your journey to victory in full confident faith that you will succeed through Christ as your life and righteousness (2 Cor. 2:14, 10:3-5). The victory over your stronghold is already won by Christ’s death and resurrection.
2. Embrace a general cleansing through deep searching of heart. After a period of thorough examination and cleansing, ask God to help you clearly identify your specific strongholds and their root sin or sins (James 1:5). It is hard to overstate the importance of a thorough initial time of confession and yielding. In many cases, there is some underlying area of compromise, disobedience or refusal to surrender that is blocking the flow of God’s power (James 4:7).
3. Be serious about maintaining a daily time of prayer and Scripture that is thorough enough to experience true intimacy, joy and power with Jesus (John 15:4-8; James 5:16). Today’s typical daily devotions are simply not designed to be all we need. Yet with only a few adjustments, you can experience profound daily closeness, joy and power in Jesus.
4. By faith, put on God’s whole armor, utilize the spiritual weapons and adopt an intentional, Spirit-led plan of action for gaining full victory. (Eph. 6:10-18; 2 Cor. 10:3-5) The “whole armor of God” is an analogy describing various aspects of the protection and power we have through the indwelling Christ and His Word (Eph. 6:10-18). God’s Word describes our spiritual armor as being the following basic elements: salvation, righteousness, truth (Scripture), preparation of peace, shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit wielded by prayer.
5. It is vitally important to find godly prayer and accountability partners (Matt. 18:19; James 5:16). Counseling with a pastor, friend or counselor is also invaluable. Remember the words of Ecclesiastes, “a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Eccl. 4:12).
6. Do not be surprised by increased temptation, spiritual warfare or intense resistance to your initial quests for a deeper victory (2 Cor. 10:3-5; Eph. 6:10). For most serious efforts at deeper surrender, there will likely be a reaction from Satan. His most common reaction is an increased barrage of attack or resistance. When you sense intensified attack or resistance, do not be discouraged or think “this isn’t working.” Always remember this—he is defeated and you will gain victory if you persist in your resistance.
7. Be persistent, patient and determined to experience the full victory in Christ (Luke 11:5, 18:1-9; Heb. 6:12). If you pray, believe and don’t give up, God will surely release His mighty power. Though there may well be ups and downs, do not be discouraged or condemned. If you persist, you will experience full victory (2 Cor. 2:14)! Saints, the only way we lose a battle is by default. In other words, we only lose if we quit!
For further information, please contact the Office of Prayer and Spiritual Awakening.